The use of the LandscapAR application as a pedagogical resource for geographical education
Connecting the new technologies that students already ostensibly use to effective learning is a challenge for every teacher and a pedagogical asset when this linkage is set. The theoretical basis was set up mainly on the precepts of Ausubel, Vygotsky and Piaget. The chosen application "LandscapAR" transformation of isolines captured by the mobile into 3D rendered images. The main objective was to verify the apprehension of the students in relation to the study of land relief and, particularly, of the level curves. The content was previously worked with the students, in Geography, of ten classes of the high school first year in the CEFET MG in the city of Belo Horizonte (MG). The activity with LandscapAr complemented the discussions, broadening the curiosity of students and making the cell phone a partner in the teaching-learning process.
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